8 Things I Learned in February

  1. On Heimay island off the coast of Iceland a Puffling Patrol rescues baby puffins who are having trouble finding their way out to sea!

2. The world’s oldest known bird hatched a chick at age 74.

3. You can cut open large hailstones and count the rings to find out how many times it bounced up and down within the thundercloud.

4. Miranda warning is the term for the warning police must give detainees, informing them that they have the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. The name comes from the Supreme Court Case Miranda v. Arizona (1966).

5. The next Thursday Murder Club novel (#5) comes out this fall.

6. A TV series about the life of L.M. Montgomery is in the works starring Megan Follows who played Anne in the beloved movies. (After seeing a few episodes of “Anne with an E” I am hesitant to watch it…we’ll see.)

7. Many early and influential pizzerias in Canada were started by Greek immigrants.

8. The first restaurant guides were published in France between 1802 and 1811 by a critic who gave absurd dinner parties and mock funeral dinners.

What did you learn in February?

One thought on “8 Things I Learned in February

  1. Lori says:

    Pufflings! 🙂
    I learned that children usually sleep through a home smoke detector alarm. They just don’t hear it, astonishingly. Manufacturers have experimented with lower frequencies with little success. The best device was a recorded message of the mother’s voice saying “Get up! Get up!”

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