- Bees have so many specialized body parts, like various brushes on their legs for cleaning their antennae and other legs and pockets where wax is secreted while they digest their food. (This book is old-fashioned but fascinating.)
2. Cloud cover is measured in oktas with a symbol to depict how many eighths of the sky are covered from 0 (clear) to 8 (overcast).
3. Mount Washington (New Hampshire) is the highest peak in the northeastern United States; it has a meteorological station and is known for its extreme weather.
4. Tenebrism is a type of chiaroscuro (contrast between light and darkness in works of art); it is especially pronounced, making a spotlight effect.
5. In 1781 Mumbet (AKA Elizabeth Freeman) won her freedom from slavery in a court case in Massachusetts.
6. Rube Goldberg machines are named after cartoonist Rube Goldberg (1883-1970) who drew the contraptions for newspapers rather than creating them.
7. Australia conscripted men into the military during the Vietnam War.
8. Some snowmobile helmets plug into the snowmobile to keep the visors heated, which prevents them from fogging up.
9. I don’t like shopping at Walmart, but I discovered that their dried apricots are significantly cheaper than the ones at Aldi.
10. This isn’t exactly new, but sometimes my mother-in-law mixes different tea together and I recently started making a pot of chai with two different brands (one that was too savory for me and one that has vanilla in it). This also has potential for an herbal coffee-flavoured tea that I find bitter. Who knew that you don’t have to throw away tea that you don’t like!! 😛
11. Crossway has published a dyslexia-friendly edition of the ESV Bible.
Like all creative, use-it-up cooking, the biggest downside to combining teas is that you may not be able to reproduce a really delicious combo!
I had no idea the dyslexia friendly Bible was in the works. What a great idea!