Favourite Things: September Edition

What a gorgeous autumn we are having so far!


For school pre-reading, I just finished Carry On, Mr. Bowditch, which I’d often heard of but never read. I can see why it’s popular amongst homeschoolers.

I read The Wouldbegoods aloud and it turns out there is one more novel about the Bastable family that I didn’t read when I was a kid. What a treat to look forward to!

I just finished reading Emil and the Sneaky Rat to the kids a few minutes ago. It’s an Astrid Lindgren novel I had never heard of before I found it at a used bookstore last month. A tale of mischief set in Sweden, as you’d expect.


For my birthday the kids made me breakfast: a Vermont maple smoothie and pumpkin spice muffins. For supper I made thai curry and Smitten Kitchen’s chocolate raspberry pavlova stack (I’ll admit I had been planning this for months!).

I love corn on the cob season! We have friends at church who generously shared corn that they grew. We enjoyed it on the cob and had enough to add to fish chowder, the recipe of which I make up as I go. Other suppers that I successfully improvised this month were sausage soup and shrimp taco salad.

I mixed up some instant oatmeal for Andrew: 6 cups quick oats, 4 cups ground oats, 1 cup brown sugar, 2 tsp salt, 2 Tbs cinnamon. He soaks it in milk overnight and takes it with him to work.

Last but not least, we got snickerdoodle spiced almonds from Aldi and they were so good I had to hide them from myself so I wouldn’t eat them all. When Andrew went back to look for more they were nowhere to be found. I hope they restock!


September felt busy, but when I look back on the calendar there isn’t much written down. We started school on the 2nd and that took up a lot of time this month. We’ve been working from 8am to 12pm Monday to Friday and in the afternoons we have nature walks, piano lessons, sewing, and library visits. The weather has been stunning so we try to spend lots of time outside too.

We did got for a family hike at the Morristown Red Barn Preserve Blue Heron Trail. I hope we can go back in the spring with binoculars and see the nesting herons.


Andrew got me a Spotify Premium account for my birthday and I’m enjoying the lack of ads but still need work on making and organizing playlists! Here are some songs he introduced me to this month.


Update on my Bible reading over the last two months: I finished Hosea, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Isaiah, Matthew, 1 Corinthians, and 2 Corinthians.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

Do you have any September favourites to share?

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