8 Things I Learned in May

  1. I finally got a Bible app on my phone. (One reason I hadn’t is that my old phone was constantly running out of space, so I tried to keep apps to a minimum.) The ESV app is so convenient and I love the bookmarks.

2. I also got the Merlin app from Cornell Lab of Ornithology for identifying birds. It’s free and it can even identify birds by sound. Super cool.

3. In our yard we spotted a northern flicker, which is a woodpecker that eats insects from the ground instead of in trees. (The kids identified it before we had the app!)

4. The Blue Star Banner is a flag flown by families of people in active military service.

5. A little girl at church had two amazing bubble braids in her hair so I asked her mom about them and then attempted it on one of my girls. (Here’s a YouTube tutorial for the type I tried.)

6. I’ve been working on making more salads dressings from scratch. Here’s an easy to remember recipe for honey mustard salad dressing: one part honey, one part dijon mustard, one part olive or avocado oil, one part apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

7. Do you keep up with current slang? I emphatically do not, so I just came across the words “drippy” (fashionable) and “flex” (show off). (You can make fun of me if you want.)

8. This year I’ve been doing a lot of exercise videos with this YouTube channel; since there’s no talking during the workouts I’ve discovered I can listen to a podcast at the same time, which keeps things interesting.

If I ever get the comments to work again, you can tell me something you’ve learned lately!

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