My very favourite thing from June is my new niece Violet! Since I can’t exactly share her, here are some recommendations for you.
Just like in May, I read an inter-generational novel set in Maine: Haven Point.
I finished reading the Chronicles of Narnia to the kids with The Last Battle. (I barely remembered any of it from childhood.)
Here’s a short, clever, whimsical picture book: 10 Cats and a new-to-me picture book by Arnold Lobel: Giant John.

It’s a little late for this recommendation, but we found Bon Appetit’s potato pea chowder to be a unique spring soup (even without the white wine).
For her birthday Juliet and I made mini meat and cheese empanadas and white cake with confetti icing from this cookbook.
In order to use up the resulting six egg yolks, the boys and I made this lemon curd and used it for these thumbprint cookies (decorated with icing sugar instead of white chocolate).
- I’ve been using my extra time since finishing school early in June to plan for next year.
- Our whole family went to a first birthday party that had a small bouncy castle, cupcakes to decorate, and delicious homemade snacks (even spanikopita).
- We also attended a homeschool picnic at Harrison Park: low-key — pals, potluck, playground.
- We drove to Toronto to meet up with my mother-in-law so the girls could go to her house for a week or two — an adventure!
- To wrap up my church’s ladies’ Bible study on the book of James we had an evening tea party with treats and discussion time.
Andrew and I just finished watching The Paradise Season 2, spending each episode trying to discern the motives of all the characters! Maybe someday I’ll read the book (The Ladies’ Paradise [Au Bonheur des Dames] by Émile Zola).
Two catchy songs that Andrew found for me and a Scottish song that was referenced in Haven Point.
“O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
you discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down
and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue,
behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.
You hem me in, behind and before,
and lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
it is high; I cannot attain it.” – Psalm 139:1-6
I love the music.
This June my neighbor and I have noticed how beautiful are the bird songs! So much singing and chirping going on around us.