I don’t have a lot of time for commentary tonight, but I hope you’ll find some takeaways from this list of my recent reads and activities. Feel free to ask questions in the comments!
My favourite books of the month were The Orchid Thief (nonfiction about one quirky dude and a world I knew nothing about), Under the Banner of Heaven (the history of Mormon Fundamentalism, a grisly murder, and thought-provoking questions left unanswered), A Morbid Taste for Bones (my first Brother Cadfael mystery — how many novels are set in the 12th century?), Tuck Everlasting (short, poignant, exquisite!),and Strawberry Girl (a classic children’s book about pioneers in Florida).

A couple of picture books I recommend are The Woodcutter’s Duck and Yettele’s Feathers.

We’ve recently gotten into watching Kim’s Convenience, a sitcom featuring a Korean-Canadian family who runs a variety store in Toronto. Short, funny episodes go well with our Saturday night pizza.
- Our church’s Reformation Day party featuring costumes, games, and lots of food
- Annual library sale!
- Rummage sale at a church in town; I picked up garlands for Christmas decorating, two classic board games, books, puzzles, and more
- Moonlight Madness in downtown Owen Sound; stores were open late and horsedrawn wagon rides were offered
- Festival of Northern Lights opened with an excellent display of fireworks
- A local food dinner held at The Milk Maid
- Finally, my in-laws visited for three and a half days and I did a ridiculous amount of shopping and other errands; the childcare was much appreciated!
“Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.”
– Malachi 3:10
A fav book series is Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Lawson
I’ve never read those but they sound intriguing. I’m going to check out the first book!