In August we looked at seven houses in one afternoon, placed an offer even though the list price was out of our range, and were accepted! There followed back and forth with the realtors and the banks, inspecting the house, and lots of phone calls, but it looks like we’ll be moving next week!
Here’s what else I was up to in the past month.
A Place for Us by Fatima Farheen Mirza: this story of a Muslim family in California resonated with me more than I expected. Stunning and heartbreaking.

A Touch of the Infinite by Meghan Elizabeth Hoyt: a good introduction to teaching music from a Charlotte Mason perspective (or for anyone wanting to introduce their children to the world of composers, folksongs, instruments, and singing).

The Curb Appeal Idea Book by Mary Ellen: lots of ideas for house exteriors, paths, lighting, and more. I want to check out more books in this series.

Old Home Love by Andy and Candis Meredith: a reread for me, but so much more exciting now that we are buying an old house! (I blogged about the book here.)

The Penderwicks in Spring by Jeanne Birdsall: fourth in the series; it has grown on me as the kids grow up and the focus shifts from character to character.

Dear Teddy Robinson by Joan G. Robinson: vintage British children’s book, each chapter its own amusing story.

Baby by Patricia MacLachlan: a story of grief and the power of words.

I recently discovered the Barefoot Books podcast where each episode is a fairy tale or folk tale from around the world; the kids have been asking to listen every day while they colour.
I saw Unplanned a few weeks ago; it was heart-wrenching and graphic (I closed my eyes at times), but I’m glad I went.
The girls have been playing these three games incessantly: Sleeping Queens, Tummy Ache, Crazy Chefs.
A few trees in the orchard have early apples so I made two batches of applesauce in August. I’m also pleased that it is finally tomato season and we are getting tomatoes of every size and colour in our CSA share.
Some new homeschooling friends invited us to their church picnic in Harrison Park and we had a great time with old fashioned races and a water balloon fight. I even won a jar of candy. 🙂
It was our second year attending the Desboro Fall Fair and we won a few prizes for crafts and baking. I think it’s a tradition we’ll try to keep up.
“As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.” – 1 Timothy 6:17-19
What a busy month! I hope we will still be able to read your “Favourite Things” and “What I l
Learned” posts even if not so many “Historical Highlights” any more. They are always great!
I’m glad you enjoy them! For August I included a bit of Latin trivia I think you’ll like. 🙂
Unplanned looks really good. I am definitely going have to look on my T.V. to see if I can find it. 🙂