This week’s historical highlights are an interesting mix of reading material, from extreme weather to extreme hairstyles. You might learn something about Geoffrey Chaucer or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Or just enjoy scrolling through some historical photos and art. Happy exploring.
Let’s start with some of the strangest things sent in the mail, courtesy of the BBC News.
Which winter was the worst in Toronto’s history?

I must admit that I don’t know much about this topic: church services in Nazi Germany.
Curious about the real Geoffrey Chaucer? Check out parts one, two, and three of a series on The National Archives’ blog.
If you’re a fan of Sherlock Holmes you might enjoy this list of “ten things you (probably) don’t know about Arthur Conan Doyle.”
How do you rebuild an archives after a fire?
Interesting idea — a novel inspired by World War II scrapbooks.
Links between Scotland and Australia are explored by an artist who delved into museum archives.
Finally, an Instagram account feature historical hairstyles.
Winter weather is certainly on our minds! I liked reading about Toronto snow. Also, the article about Nazi church was really interesting.