My historical highlights post is a little late this week because we had an unexpectedly busy day yesterday. It turned out that some relatives were in town so I took the kids to the zoo with them in the morning. Andrew got off work early, so we all went out for a late lunch, then took the kids to an indoor playground. Naturally, I was worn out at the end of the day but so glad that everyone had a fun time.
Now that I’ve done my weekly grocery shopping and tidied the kitchen, here are some articles for your weekend reading.
First, take note of #AskAnArchivist Day on Twitter (October 4, 2017).
“Harvard research on Nova Scotia slavery ads aims to broaden understanding of history”
“At the Film Archive, 14,900 reels you cannot watch — ever”
“Christ’s Church seeks to dig up and identify hundreds of bodies buried under parking lot”
“The Women Who Rode Miles on Horseback to Deliver Library Books” (Also check out these picture books on the history of libraries, including one about one of the Kentucky “book women” described in the article.)