It’s been an interesting week weather-wise. One day it was 28 degrees C (82 F) and we barbecued chicken and ate supper in the backyard; the next day it was down to 4 C (39 F) and raining/snowing/hailing, so we had a bubbling hot lasagna for supper!
To segue into this week’s historical highlights, I think you’ll find them just as eclectic, from ancient slingshots to Oregon Trail to Italian castles. Enjoy.
Archaeologists in Scotland have discovered that the Romans used slingshots as deadly as a .44 Magnum. (This type of detective work is fascinating.)
Who knew a tree could grow from a 2,000-year-old seed?
A new study looks at Jerusalem’s ancient reservoirs.
You can get a historic Italian building for FREE… if you restore and transform it into a tourist destination.

Nostalgic for the computers of the eighties and nineties? You might get a kick out of these articles on screen savers (it brought back memories!) and original Mac programs (funnily enough this one taught me the word “eldritch”).
Learn the hows and whys of digital preservation of audio archives from NPR’s experts.
If you’re not convinced that archives can change lives…
Finally, here’s a practical list: five tips for taking better pictures in museums.