Here are a few historical highlights to entertain and enlighten you this weekend (if you have any spare time).
If you’re interested in genealogy, you might want to read this long article on the difficulties of genealogical research in China.
Want to know the ancient Egyptian secret for keeping your skin young?
I find this headline fascinating: “How Millions Of Secret Silk Maps Helped POWs Escape Their Captors in WWII”
Here’s a list of best books on early American history of 2016.
Check out this map of French foods!

One of the Library of Congress blogs has posted an illustrated history of the Christmas carol “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.”
(If you’re interested, last year I wrote my own post about “We Three Kings.”)
Finally, here’s some Christmas trivia from the Special Media Division of the U.S. National Archives.
Merry Christmas, everyone!