Historical Highlights #039

I have only a few historical highlights to share this weekend.
I hope you learn something new, such as…

The woman who may have written “Mary Had a Little Lamb” was a 19th century American media mogul.

The Chinese brewed beer 5000 years ago.

The world’s oldest stamps are travelling from the UK to the U.S. in a bomb-proof case.

Taiwan has 24-hour bookstores where you can read as long as you want.

When it rains in Boston secret sidewalk poems are revealed.


Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

P.S. Breaking news: Archaeologists believe they’ve found Aristotle’s tomb.

2 thoughts on “Historical Highlights #039

  1. Lori Ferguson says:

    I love the sidewalk poems in Boston! I hope they put some classics, like:
    “The rain is raining all around,
    It falls on field and tree,
    It rains on the umbrellas here,
    And on the ships at sea.”

    1. M.E. Bond
      M.E. Bond says:

      How about:
      “The day is cold, and dark, and dreary;
      It rains, and the wind is never weary;
      The vine still clings to the mouldering wall,
      But at every gust the dead leaves fall,
      And the day is dark and dreary.”
      I think your choice is better!

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