People seem to be enjoying these vocabulary quizzes, so I’ve created another one: “Words Lately Learned 3.” I hope you’ll test your knowledge and then share the results in the comments.
Quiz: Words Lately Learned 3

People seem to be enjoying these vocabulary quizzes, so I’ve created another one: “Words Lately Learned 3.” I hope you’ll test your knowledge and then share the results in the comments.
I got 35% by chance alone. These are hard!
@Emily Miller I wouldn’t want to make them too easy!
Certainly more difficult, but fascinating too. I scored only 12 right out of 20- rather worse !
Keep these coming!
80%! That will be my accomplishment for the week. Had to guess a few but Margaret and I must read some of the same books; I know I’ve come across assiduity, brio, compeer, and lavaliere, and looked them up. Thanks to Lord Peter Wimsey, I also know about incunabula; I love reading books set during WW2 so had also come across quisling quite a few times. Just posted the quiz on my FB page, and then Laura Rizzo shared it, so there should be more quiz takers shortly.
These were hard! I did know a few of them and that gave me my 35% score.
@Shelley There were quite a few that made me think, “I should know this word!”
I got 25% and have never heard of any of these. Good job making up the other definitions!
@Brianna Johnson Thank you!
55% I wish trombones were still called sackbuts! Just imagine middle school band! What fodder for jokes!
@Amelia Haha!