Libraries… how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
- Libraries are usually free.
2. Sometimes I just want to browse the novels and bring home something I’ve never heard of without paying a cent.
3. I love borrowing towering stacks of picture books. I get easily bored by the kids books we have at home, so I borrow a lot and return them after I’ve read them aloud three times.
4. You can try out all sorts of magazines instead of subscribing. I love getting magazines in the mail, but getting back issues from the library makes so much sense, especially if you’re able to photocopy any particularly tempting recipes.
5. You can also borrow audiobooks. I used to get out books on CD, but now you can download MP3s on the library website via Overdrive. I must admit that I’ve had some technological troubles, but I did listen to World War Z and Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore fairly recently.
6. Borrowing movies is another plus. I have rarely rented a movie in my life. (But now the Internet is a whole other thing…)
7. The ability to order books is something I am thankful for every week. I love walking into the library and collecting a big stack from the holds shelf.
8. You can use the Internet. Because sometimes your home Internet just quits working!
9. You can often use a printer and photocopier for free.
10. They usually have a play area with toys.
11. Many libraries provide games and puzzles for old-time entertainment. I remember my sister and our neighbour playing endless games of checkers in our tiny neighbourhood library (housed in a school portable).
12. I love it when libraries display local (and children’s) artwork. This was the case in a small public library where we stopped in upstate New York last summer; the atmosphere was very homey.
13. Libraries are great places to hang out in strange cities. About 18 months ago we lived in a hotel in Fort Saskatchewan , Alberta for three weeks. Every day that it wasn’t too hot to step outside I made the 2-km trek to the library, where my toddler scooted around the play area and looked at board books while my newborn either slept or screamed. (I promise I tried not to disturb the other patrons unnecessarily!)

14. University libraries (maybe public libraries too?) give you access to expensive databases.
15. Public libraries are an easy place to start when researching local history and genealogy. You might find self-published books by local characters, maps, newspapers, binders full of information, and even microfiche machines (are those still around?).
16. Public libraries also provide free lectures and other events. In the past year I’ve heard members of the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra perform, listened to a lecture about D-Day, and attended a Q&A on traditional publishing versus self-publishing, all at the Calgary Public Library.
17. Summer reading programmes are so much fun. Posters, stickers, ballots, prizes… I’ve always loved reading, but I’m still a sucker for contests.
18. I also have fond recollections of storytime, especially when the librarian read from extra large picture books.
19. I love library book sales. Where else can you fill a whole bag with classic books for only a few dollars? (Just ignore all the dated cookbooks and technology manuals.)
20. Bulletin boards are a great source of local information.
21. The architecture of library buildings is fascinating.

22. The history of libraries is also fascinating.
23. Libraries offer volunteer opportunities. Beyond shelving books, you might be able to read with young students, prepare craft materials, or help with a special event.
24. Due dates motivate me to finish books. Many is the time I’ve scrambled to finish a book at the last minute because it had holds and couldn’t be renewed. I guess I perform best under pressure!
The more I think about it the more I love libraries.
Anything you’d like to add to my list?
This is an amazing list! Once for a Victorian Lit course I wrote an essay about the first public libraries (Dr. Davies encouraged me to write on that instead of a text we’d studied in class, because I was volunteering at the Crouch library at the time as a community-based-learning component to the course.) Writing that essay also made me think about how much I love libraries – as did this post. 🙂
@Emily If you still have that essay, can you send it to me? I need ideas for my “History of Libraries” series.
# 24 is so true!!
@oliviascribbles Yup. 🙂
I love libraries too! If you get the chance check out the libraries on Martha’s Vineyard and Cape Cod. The W. Tisbury library on MV has a beautiful back porch with big wooden chairs and a stunning view. You can get Keurig coffee for $1. They all have art displays and concerts and excellent, extensive book collections. Also, if you ever get to Copenhagen check out the Black Diamond Library. It has a cafe with water view, a full fledged art gallery and a wonderful shop. There are some fees but they are reasonable.
Those libraries sound amazing! Thanks for sharing, Claudia.