Historical Highlights #014

In this week’s historical highlights I share an article urging you to read more old books, videos depicting the lives of Voyageurs, and a map that presents World War I as a massive dog fight. Read on!

In honour of the 141st birthday of Lucy Maud Montgomery this week, I hope you’ll check out these photos of all her haunts, including Green Gables and other houses where she lived and visited. 

If you answer three pop quiz questions correctly, you’ll be entered into a draw to win a free subscription to Canada’s History magazine (deadline: January 28, 2016). (I only got 1 out of 3.)

This article explores how “Letters and diaries present unique challenges for historians.”

“This 1914 Children’s Map Depicts World War I as a Massive Dogfight”


“Letters From a Fighter Pilot: Second World War pilot Willie McKnight shared his thoughts and feelings about his dangerous work in letters he wrote to a friend.”

Four short videos that teach kids about the lives of the Voyageurs. 

“What Makes Conspiracy Theorists Tick?” 

What ratio of old (public domain) to new books do you read?

Feel free to share your favourite history-related links in the comments.

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