This week’s historical highlights include manuscripts, museums, manuals, and more!
An unexpected archival find: Mystery Photos Found in Time for Fleet Week
Another manuscript discovery: “For in the archives of Sidney Sussex College there survives now the earliest known draft of any part of the King James Bible, unmistakably in the hand of one of the King James translators.”
I never would have thought of this: Prospect Research as an Alternative Career for Archivists and Librarians
Irish language is far from dead, linguist claims (after 25 year study)
The museum diorama makes a dramatic comeback for the Royal Armouries Agincourt exhibition
A Guide to Creating a Digital Public History Project (based on Histories of the National Mall)
Finally, check out these 19th century fitness manuals.

Anything you’d like to share this week?
Why does that exercising lady not have on her Lulu Lemon outfit? It would be much cooler.