Today I’m going to direct you to the answers to some pressing questions.
Where can you go to borrow a cake pan, telescope, or Frisbee?
What’s so important about law libraries?
What happens when an archives facility runs out of space?
What’s it like to have a one-year internship in archives?

A new exhibition at Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art’s Fleischman Gallery looks at the address books of American artists. This article claims they “provide a fascinating peek into their daily lives and the company they kept.”
Travelling to the UK? Fascinated by the Celts? Culture24 shares ten places to experience Celtic history and culture.
Interested in freedom petitions brought by slaves in the antebellum period? A new site lets you search Washington D.C legal records and case files between 1800 and 1862. Read more about it here.
The Nobel Foundation has decided to open its archives to the public. What can we learn about the selection process from these records? This article considers three famous people who were overlooked for prizes.
This two-minute video describes the creation of the newest Heritage Minute, which commemorates Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope.
Do you have any history-related links to share this week?